Hydroponics Cultivation

               Before we discuss more about how to plant simple hydroponics at home or yard, it's good you know first what it is hydroponic cultivation. Simply observed from the origin he said Hydroponics cultivation means a method of cultivating plants without using soil media, but utilizing water / nutritional mineral solutions needed by plants and other substances in place of soil media containing nutrients such as coconut fiber, mineral fiber, sand, Tile / brick, wood powder, and so forth.
               Below are some advantages and reasons to strengthen your motivation to learn to grow plants by means of hydroponics, among others:
·         Hydroponics plant proved to be economical compared to conventional planting on the ground because it does not need to splash water every day because the nutrient solution / medium of mineral solution used is accommodated in the container used, so we live only control.
·         Hydroponic cultivation can maximize limited land because it does not require a lot of land, even plant media can be made in storied
·         Hydroponic crops are proven to be environmentally friendly because they do not use pesticides or pesticides that can damage the soil, use only 1/20 water from regular plants, and reduce CO2 because it does not need to use a vehicle or a machine.
·         Hydroponic plants do not damage the soil because they do not use soil media and also do not need a large area.
Results of hydroponic plants can be eaten as a whole including roots as they are free of dirt and pests
Can check the roots of the plant clearly periodically to control its growth
Growth of plants faster and the quality of plant yields can be controlled
To plant hydroponics does not need to depend on the season, because it can be planted at any time according to our planning. Planting hydroponics can reduce / conserve fertilizer use.
·         Hydroponic cultivation does not need much energy to do it
The environment where hydroponic crops tend to be cleaner than planting on the ground.
·         Hydroponic plants rarely have problems with plant pests and diseases caused by bacteria, caterpillars and many nematode worms found in the soil
·         Hydroponic growing land is more flexible, can be planted anywhere such as in a home or in a paved yard.
         Some plants are often grown hydroponically, are green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, lombok, tomato, bak choy, broccoli, mustard, kailan, kale, onion, strowbery, and others. The above hydroponic plants are often the top choice for vegetarians who are very concerned about the process of making food, whether there is a chemical element in it, whether there is animal killing, also related to environmental conservation and greening efforts.


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